#include "audio.h" Mix_Chunk * sfx_click = NULL; Mix_Chunk * sfx_click2 = NULL; Mix_Chunk * sfx_explosion = NULL; Mix_Chunk * sfx_win = NULL; Mix_Chunk * sfx_lose = NULL; void init_audio() { const char* driver_name = SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver(); if (driver_name) { printf("Audio subsystem initialized: driver = %s.\n", driver_name); } else { printf("Audio subsystem not initialized.\n"); } if (Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 2048) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL_mixer could not initialize! SDL_mixer Error: %s\n", Mix_GetError()); } sfx_click = Mix_LoadWAV("resources/click.wav"); sfx_click2 = Mix_LoadWAV("resources/click2.wav"); sfx_explosion = Mix_LoadWAV("resources/explosion.wav"); sfx_win = Mix_LoadWAV("resources/win.wav"); sfx_lose = Mix_LoadWAV("resources/lose.wav"); } void play_audio(int sfx_index) { switch (sfx_index) { /* Since I stopped including the files with the macros I'll just indicate what it was with a comment */ /* case UNCLICKED:*/ case 0: Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sfx_click, 0); break; /* case SHOW_FLAG: */ case 2: Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sfx_click2, 0); break; /* case EXPLOSION: */ case 5: Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sfx_explosion, 0); break; /* case WON: */ case 1: Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sfx_win, 0); break; } } void audio_destroy() { Mix_FreeChunk(sfx_click); Mix_FreeChunk(sfx_click2); Mix_FreeChunk(sfx_explosion); Mix_FreeChunk(sfx_win); Mix_FreeChunk(sfx_lose); Mix_Quit(); }